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Museum Education & Audience Engagement

August 2021-Present

Library of Congress, Education Specialist

  • Develop content for a new, hands-on educational experiences, including organizing cross-institutional committees to aggregate content and facilitate stakeholder feedback

  • Prototype content with visitors and organize advisory councils to ensure youth voice and the inclusion of children with disabilities in experience planning

  • Develop and facilitate online offerings such as virtual programs and blogs

August 2020-July 2021

Digital Content Strategist, 1909 Digital

• Analyzes and advises clients on digital strategy, audience and community engagement, brand framework development and email marketing. Works with a team to complete reports such as content audits, competitor analyses, persona modeling slide decks, style and brand messaging guidelines, and digital content strategies.
• Writes copy for client social media, printed materials, and email marketing campaigns
• Develops and implements community engagement social strategies including toolkits for user-generated content. Advises museums with organic social media gallery interactives on implementation and program design

August 2018-July 2020

Senior Program Specialist, Morris County Park Commission

•Supervised and managed an education department of 7 employees (1 F/T, 6 P/T including seasonals) and 50+ volunteers for a historic farm with a visitation of over 20,000 visitors/per year
• Managed special event programs, including six large special events per year with visitation between 200-2000/per event. Developed new elements such as interactive museum theatre, a community pop-up veteran’s exhibit, and new workflows and processes to streamline efficiency and interdepartmental communication for events
• Developed engaging social media posts for the Friends of Fosterfields Facebook and Instagram pages.
• Built community partnerships with arts organizations, affinity organizations like antique car clubs, and school and community groups such as the Seeing Eye and local schools for partnership programs

July 2016-July 2018

Historian/Cultural Resources Interpreter, Fairfax County Park Commission

• Planned, researched, developed and implemented educational programming interpreting historical resources for audiences ranging from toddlers to adults. Programs included family drop-in and registration-based workshops, week-long day camps, and adult programs for active seniors and memory care patients. Developed citizen history programs such as transcription events and pop-up community events. Developed ECLP’s first social studies field trip, and implemented to 600+ public school students since spring 2017. Produced a pre-trip packet and secured funding for scholarships for Title 1 students
• Developed engaging interpretive media, including exhibits, brochures, and wayside signage

January 2015-July 2016

Youth Engagement Coordinator, National Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Institution

• Coordinated all aspects of the Teen Ambassadors Program volunteer program, including recruiting, training and supervising 20 teen gallery guides, and overseeing project-based learning curriculum for teen volunteers. Teen projects include teen events, digital engagement design and tours for VIPs, such as U.S. Cabinet Secretaries

• Managed federal allocation of $15,000 annually, and worked with development for additional funding for teen programs. Raised $9,000 for a digital project via crowd-funding social media campaign

ʉۢ Served on the national leadership team for the March 2016 Museum Day Live event, coordinating eighteen Smithsonian units to organize career development roundtables for youth during the event

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